January 15, 2014

Winter wardrobe necessities.

I don't know about you guys, but we have had a ridiculously cold winter here so far which can make getting dressed a little bit challenging. Some days it is just so cold that what we are wearing doesn't even matter as long as we are cozy and warm. We made a little list of a few must-have staples in both of our wardrobes lately; plenty of toques and knit sweaters layered with plaids. We have also been really into metallics this season and we think that gold nails paired with dark red or purple lipstick is a pretty deadly combo.

Do you have any favorite go-to winter items?


  1. It's so warm over here but I'm looking forward to winter, already wearing my black skinnier and red plaid even though its 40 degrees (Celsius)!

    That jumper looks so cozy!


  2. Love this outfit! We're in the middle of a heat wave here, so I'm day dreaming about winter. Lovin' the plaid!

  3. I have the same selection in my mind ;)) M-C

  4. That sweater looks so comfy and wonderful!
    Bella xo

  5. I've had the up/down cold/warm/cold/freezing weather for the past month over here in New York! My staple has been moisturizers and boots!! I've been trying to rock the plaid shirts but I'm just not sure I'm cut out for it! Maybe I need to switch up the colors! =)


  6. I love that sweater, it looks so cozy!
