January 17, 2011

Our mobile vintage shop - Olive the trailer!

Meet Olive!

She is our 1956 Cardinal, and we bought her last spring!
Keep an eye out on this section to see sneak peaks as we tear her apart and then bring her back to life, as our mobile vintage shop! She will be stocked full of vintage clothes, housewares and other knick knacks and will be open for business by early summer. She's already gutted and ready for a face-lift, we will have more pictures and details in the coming weeks! We are so excited to put our ideas into motion, (literally!) and hope that you will follow along in the journey!

Stef & Erin


  1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! GREAT!!!!!!!!!

  2. hoooooooorrrrraaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

  3. amaazzing! Can't wait to see this in action

  4. So exciting!
    How did you come to name her Olive? Just wondering.

  5. dayna, when we named her we had planned on painting her olive green and it just fit. Green is no longer the color of choice, but the name stuck! The only other Olive we know is pretty darn adorable! ;)

  6. Thanks! We are beyond excited! Your trailer looks AMAZING!

  7. you need to take her to FolkFest!

  8. Please bring her to Ontario <3.

  9. Just found your adorable blog on the Stripe Mania board--love it! You guys are way cute. Looking forward to reading!

  10. Love your blog!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I want to do a tailor here! I love this......I hope you come follow me back. ;-) xxxx Emily of ELVintage
