Last week Erin shared what was going on lately in her life so I thought I should give you guys an update on what's been going on in mine. Basically as soon as the temperatures dropped here I have been in full-force nesting mode. It's crazy to think that we have already been at our new house for six months; that's half a YEAR already! Whoa whoa. Since we moved in at the beginning of summer, there were lots of decorating jobs and projects that got pushed to the wayside because I just wanted to enjoy as much time outdoors as possible and save those jobs for the long cold winter months. So now that those months are upon me it is time to get myself into high gear and get that stuff done! Here is a peek at some of the jobs (and other things) I have been tackling around the house lately:

It's a tad hard to tell in this photo I snapped for Instagram, but a few months ago I painted my hallway in my front entrance a pale minty pistachio color. I absolutely love it and recommend it for those of you looking for a pretty muted paint tone, it's called "Artichoke Heart" by Martha Stewart. I also finally got around to un-packing boxes of old photo albums, so I decided to hang up a little collage of a few of my favorites photos. I hung a big portrait of my grandmother, a Polaroid of my parents when they first started dating, some old photobooth pictures of Emery and I, and my favorite photo from our wedding day. It's a warm personal touch when you enter our home.

Another new addition to our entrance way is this gorgeous southwestern rug that my parents brought back for me from Arizona! Since most of my walls are either white or a pale tone, I wanted a nice pop of print and color for when you walk in, and this rug is everything that I wanted and more! They also picked up a smaller one for me to use as a wall hanging that I plan on hanging above my staircase.
I was always sort of notorious for constantly arranging and re-arranging furniture at my old house and this house is no exception. However, in my defense, I had to move a few things around to make room for my Christmas tree, but I am actually really liking my bullet planter in this corner of my living room.
I also recently bought this print on Etsy and I totally love it! Found the perfect spot for it in a little minty nook in my bathroom. (
Print for sale here)
Many hot beverages have been consumed and plenty of time has been spent in my new kitchen. I have also been making excellent use of my gas cooktop, in fact I think it may be my favorite part of my kitchen.
This past weekend I also had the privilege of meeting my new little nephew, Nash! My sister-in-law gave birth last week and and we all got together for a family lunch and to say hello to the newest addition to the family! He really is quite scrumptious.
There's nothing quite like a warm clean house, a glass of red wine, and old vinyl spinning on the record player on a cold December evening.
Oh yeah, I have also spent lots of time in bed sleeping. I don't know about you guys, but this cold weather sure makes me want to spend as much time under a blanket as possible...
XO, Stef